Testing Info
Dr. Tammy Riemenschneider Director of District Assessments, Dyslexia, 504 & RtI riemenschneidert@joshuaisd.org 817/202-2500 ext.1034
General STAAR Information
- How to Access Your Child's STAAR & TELPAS Scores - English
- How to Access STAAR & TELPAS Scores - Spanish
- Learn more about your child’s score by logging into the STAAR Parent Portal here
- Link to an FAQ on STAAR testing in English or Spanish
STAAR, STAAR Alt 2, and TELPAS Testing Dates
TEA Student Assessment Testing Calendar
STAAR Redesign and Online Testing
The Texas Education Agency redesigned the STAAR test in Spring, 2023. The changes and updates were based on the 2019 passage of HB 3906. The updates included new question types, cross-curricular passages, and evidence-based writing. In addition to updating the item types, STAAR is now administered fully online.
Here is a TEA Link explaining the STAAR Redesign.
Due to the STAAR Redesign, performance reporting will be significantly delayed in 2023.
- STAAR EOC performance levels will be released to the parent portal on June 30, 2023.
- STAAR Grades 3-8 performance levels will be released on August 16, 2023.
- Link to TEA's Reporting Timelines for Spring 2023 STAAR
Accelerated Instruction Requirements
House Bill 4545 of the 87th legislature was recently updated with the passage of House Bill 1416 in the 88th legislature. These laws require that accelerated instruction (AI) be provided for students who did not meet the passing standard on the STAAR in grades 3-8 or STAAR EOC (End-of-Course), for up to two subjects. These requirements also apply to students who were absent or declined to test.
Additional AI requirements are added for students who did not meet the passing standard or did not participate in the same subject for two or more consecutive years. For these students, the campus is required to develop an Accelerated Education Plan (AEP).
Please contact your campus principal if you have questions regarding the Accelerated Instruction requirements for your child.